Investors Management Service
A Professional Property Management Company
Serving Humboldt County
To view vacancies, submit an application or learn more about how we can help you manage your properties, call:
(707) 445-3171 ~ (707) 445-3176 (fax)
Or Visit Our New Website!
We are a full service company, representing both
residential and commercial properties. Our services
include, but are not limited to, the following;
- Advertising Available Units
- Showing Units to Prospective Tenants
- Tenant Screening, including references and credit
- Preparation of Rental/Lease Agreements
- Collection of Rents
- Arranging and Overseeing All Maintenance Required
- Payment of Required Monthly Invoices
- Computerized Monthly Income and Expense Reports
- Property Inspection, as needed
- Serving of Notices, and working with legal counsel
to expedite any legal actions or unlawful detainers
- One Time Rent-up Services
Our management fees are based on a percentage of
the gross collected rents, no rents, no
management fees. Also we can assist
in handling the sale or exchange of your current investment
properties through our real estate company, Bindel
Inc., "The Realty Company". |
Relieve yourself of the worries and headaches of
being a landlord.
"Call us ... Today" to discuss your management